DigitalPA obtains the new ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Certification

With the new ISO 22301 certification related to the management system for Business Continuity (BCMS), DigitalPA confirms once again the excellence of its organizational model and the strength of its technological performance. This international standard attests to the ability of companies to avert potential threats to business operations due to a variety of events, such as technical accidents, cyber-attacks, natural disasters or theft, ensuring that any interruptions, even major ones, have a minimal impact on the services provided. In concrete terms, it means adopting backup systems and processes that make your supply chain more resilient not only in day-to-day operations, but also and above all at the most critical times.
Those who comply with the ISO 22301 standard therefore guarantee their customers, suppliers and stakeholders maximum security and reliability.
Although the certification process began in 2021, the audit has already found a high level of maturity of the system, the result of the high level of competence of the staff and the strategic support of the Management. Compliance with the ISO 22301 standard, which is in addition to the certifications already achieved for ISO 9001, ISO 27001 and ISO 20000-1, reaffirms the pursuit for quality and constant improvement that have always been the hallmark of DigitalPA in the Italian and international software landscape.